Naveen Kumar
Director & Membership Committee Chair
Naveen has an overall experience of more than 30 years, of which 26 years is in construction projects and 4 years in Concrete Sleepers manufacturing for railways. He has vast experience in Commercial Management, Estimation, Contracts Management, Risk Management and Cost Control Management.
Naveen has achieved academic qualification M.Sc.,(CPM) from Heriot-Watt University-(UK). He holds professional memberships from various international professional bodies including the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors – UK (MRICS), Chartered Institute of Arbitration – UK (CIArb) and Indian Institute of Quantity Surveyors – India (MIIQS).
Naveen is a trained RICS assessor and participates as a panel member in professional interviews conducted by RICS and IIQS. His free time is devoted to organizing professional development events and mentoring APC candidates.